Bicycle Racing Events
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General Policies of Velo Promo:
Our online entry provider is
How to Enter
Changing Categories/Groups:
Velo Promo will change categories or groups for riders at the race, but it is far better to do it online before the 11:59 pm Wednesday online deadline.
Credit for another VP race will be given if you follow the below procedure by 5 pm Wednesday letting us know that you can't compete. No credit issued if you plan to enter another race instead; no cash refunds. No substitutions (transferring to another rider) for cancellations.
Procedure: Go to "Edit My Entry" link on the registration page, in your confirmation email, or in your BikeReg account to access this credit system.
More than One Event at a Criterium?
If you compete in more than one race event at a criterium (on the same day), the entry fee for the second race is generally $30. A second race entry and fee is available on BikeReg.
Post Entry Fees:
Velo Promo charges a higher fee for on-line entries on the final Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday before the race, or for entries postmarked after the pre-entry deadline, or received late in hand at the office, or at the race itself. It is usually $12, but check the race ad to be sure we only charge one late fee. Avoid the post entry fee by turning in your entry and fee at the previous weekend's VP race (if there is one), no matter the deadline -- ask at registration (best time is after the race has started, and before we pack up for the day).
Current NorCal/Nevada District Champions and National Champions will receive a refund (of all but $7 of the fee) at race registration if:
1) their entry is postmarked by the deadline or online by the Sunday night before the race, (otherwise they pay full fee, including late) and
2) they ride in the category they won the championship in (Master champions may ride down in age and Juniors may ride up). District jersey is not required, but National jersey is. This refund is applicable to road race champions only for road races, criterium champions only for criteriums, time trial champions only for time trials, and cyclocross champions only for cyclocross races.
Velo Promo does not recognize category champions for the discount. We recognize the best in any age/gender group. In other words, discounts go to the Senior (Cat 1/2) champion, but not to the Cat 4 champion; discounts go to the Master 35+ champion, but not the Master 35+ 4/5 "champion". Discounts go to the Woman 1/2 Champion, not the Woman 4 champion; discounts go to the Junior 17-18 champion, not the Junior 3 Champion. After all, Champion means the best in an age/gender group, not the best of the second-tier group.
Bad Checks:
Checks that are not honored by your bank upon deposit by us will need to be taken care of before your next Velo Promo entry is honored. An additional fee (charged by our bank) will be added. Checks that are not taken care of may also result in notification of USAC, which may result in suspension until resolved.
Waiting List:
Riders signing up on a wait list online will not be charged until moved to the race if space opens up.
· Any riders not moved off the waitlist at this time may still be able to race by showing up to the race prior to 15 minutes before their category's scheduled start time. Race promoter will call the waiting list at registration at that time, and will fill all empty spots.
This is done in the order that riders are on the list. If you are not there when we call your name on the list, you will be skipped, and the next rider is called.