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Follow Vehicles:

At most Velo Promo road races, we depend upon volunteer follow vehicles to help out, carrying wheels and supporting riders, and improving the safety of the race. You can help out, but there are things you need to know:

We are now trying to be sure that all follow vehicles are insured under the USAC's secondary auto insurance. This will cost Velo Promo for each vehicle, but will make things better in the event of a crash. To this end, you need to do two things online through the USAC:

1) Each driver will have to furnish the info required on the Non Owned/Hired
Automobile Liability Application. See  for the form.
Non-owned/hired supplemental liability insurance is excess of primary insurance policy.

2) Each driver will also have to have a Motor Vehicle Record check done. This is also available on the USAC web site at: .
While the instructions are for a Motoref, the procedure is the same. All results go to USAC.

There is an $8.80 fee to register with the USAC; Velo Promo will reimburse you upon your first follow vehicle assistance at a Velo Promo race. Please bring a receipt.



-- You do need to contact Velo Promo  prior to the race, preferably a week ahead.

-- You do need to arrive at registration with your vehicle at least 30 minutes before first start of the day.

-- You do need to check in at registration, pick up a carp top and magnetic sign, a flashing rooftop beacon, the follow vehicle info sheet (with safety and other information) and a course map.

-- You do need to sign the volunteer form and the follow vehicle sign in sheet

-- Generally, you will be asked to follow the group in your race that contains the 10th rider; that means that if a breakaway goes with your friend in it, you stay with the field, and as safe, when riders fall off the back, you move up and go with the field.

-- You need to ask the Chief referee if the vehicle is wheels in/wheels out, or neutral wheels.



You will be reimbursed for your gas from home back to home, and will receive a credit for a future Velo Promo race for the rider of your choice. You get to watch the race as it develops, and be part of the NorCal/Nevada racing scene. Thanks!

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